Office of Population Health Project Request Form

UC Davis Comprehensive Cancer Center (UCDCCC) Office of Population Health (OPH) facilitates and disseminates impactful research on cancer determinants and outcomes for the UCDCCC catchment population with a focus on health equity to improve cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and survivorship.

OPH supports UCDCCC by advising Cancer Center Members and Associate Members on study design, facilitating access to data, and conducting data analyses for population-based cancer research projects addressing the needs of our UCDCCC catchment population.

REVIEW OF RELEVANT RESEARCH. Submitter is required to conduct a literature review to assure that what is being proposed has not been done previously. If related papers exist, describe how the proposal differs in scope.

Member Type


  3. EXPOSURES/PREDICTORS. At minimum, each aim needs to specify the main exposure of interest and potential confounders. 

  4. OUTCOMES: At minimum, each aim needs to specify the primary outcome of interest (lung cancer incidence, breast cancer survival, etc.). Secondary outcomes may also be included. 

  5. COHORT SELECTION. Include any relevant details such as age restrictions, diagnoses years, specific diagnosis codes, etc. 

Request services (Select at least one, check all that apply)
Select purpose(s):
Anticipated research products

Once the request has been reviewed, we will schedule a brief meeting to discuss.  The following projects are considered high priority:

  • Generate preliminary to support an NCI grant to be submitted within 12 months.
  • Involve multiple intra- and/or inter-Research Program members.
  • Projects involving junior faculty or researcher who is underrepresented in science as defined by the Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity, NOT-OD-20-031. This includes underrepresented minorities, LGBTQ+, persons with a disability, socioeconomically disadvantaged, etc.
  • Research for the UCDCCC catchment area and/or incorporate specimens from or conduct human subjects research in disadvantaged or underrepresented groups.
  • Research for the following cancers:
    • Cancers of high lethality or incidence [lung, pancreas, breast, prostate, colon, or AYA cancers]
    • Tobacco or carcinogen associated cancers [lung, head and neck, bladder, colorectal, and aerodigestive tract cancers]
    • Virus associated cancers [liver, cervix, and head and neck]